
Veterinary Nurse

Noel began working at ORAH in October 2017. He is one of our bilingual staff members, and he is constantly brushing up his medical terminology with his Spanish for Veterinarians book! Noel has an adorable dog, Percy, and a cute kitty, Deku. Noel's favorite part about his position at Orchard Road Animal Hospital is being able to work with different people and animals. One of his goals is to expand his knowledge of medicine and animals daily. Noel chose to work in the veterinary field because every day there is something new to learn or see including working with different types of cats and dogs. During the spring and summer months, he enjoys a good hike, especially the exploration and discovery of new nature trails. Noel has also picked up a new love of cooking and playing around with new ingredients and recipes. Noel also enjoys spending time with family and friends in his spare time. Noel has been a great addition to ORAH and we are so happy he found us!