
Office Manager

Peggy began working at Orchard Road Animal Hospital as a receptionist back in 1995 when it was just a small practice with one doctor. She brought her sick Rottweiler puppy to see Dr. Flieg. Dr. Flieg was able to diagnose and treat her here at ORAH! Peggy applied for a job after that and started as a receptionist the next day! Since then, she's had 5 Rottweilers, 8 cats, 2 children and 3 grandchildren. Peggy is the go-to person in our clinic that covers all the odds and ends behind the scenes that are involved in running a veterinary hospital! That is no small task and she takes it in stride, always making the best out of any day and lending a hand wherever needed! We appreciate all you do Peggy and are proud to have you on this team!