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Heartworm Prevention in the Wintertime

Is it really necessary?


Chance showed up yesterday in his stylish Santa hat to get weighed and refill his monthly heartworm prevention medication.


Many owners hear from others or read online that heartworm prevention is not necessary during winter when mosquitoes are dead. But that is actually a myth!

Did you know that Orchard Road Animal Hospital and the American Heartworm Society both recommend year-round prevention, even in the cold winter months? That's because the chewable you give your dog in Winter is actually preventing infection from the mosquitoes that bit your dog back in the warm, steamy months of Summer! In the unpredictable climate of Illinois, we never really know when the weather might take a turn. In our clinic alone, we had over six cases of heartworm in 2018! Some of them had even purchased some prevention! But unfortunately, the only way to fully protect your pet is to give them a tablet once a month, regardless of the weather outside. The American Heartworm Society (AHS) "recommends year-round administration of preventive drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prevent heartworm infection" (source).

At Orchard Road Animal Hospital, we carry Interceptor Plus, a monthly chewable tablet that also protects your dog from common intestinal parasites. Interceptor Plus protects your dog from heartworms as well as hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. This is especially important because tapeworms can be nearly impossible to detect in a traditional fecal flotation test.

We always have heartworm prevention in stock for all sizes of dogs. Because we care about your dog and their health, we give you $10 off if you buy a year's worth of prevention. Because the manufacturer also cares about your dog, they will give you an additional $15 off a year's supply. With all these reasons and incentives to be on heartworm prevention year-round, we make it easy and affordable to protect your dog!

Heartworm disease is potentially fatal, but absolutely preventable! Call us today and get your dog's years worth of heartworm prevention!

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